Thursday Early Releases

We’ve had two thus far and the next one is coming up sooner than you may think on December 8th. Just to make sure that all families are aware of how an early release Thursday schedule works, we’d like to share this information with everyone. This is especially important for families with kindergartners as things can become a little confusing.

On early release days the entire school gets out at 12:30.  This means that there is only a 12:30 bus.  There is NO BUS at 3:00.

  • Kindergartners that are enrolled on Thursdays for kindergarten time (12:30-3:00) but not enrolled for grader time (3:00-6:00) may stay until 3:00 but must be picked up by a parent or authorized pick-up person by then.
  • Children who are enrolled for grader time on Thursdays will come to AASP from 12:30-6:00, instead of the usual 3:00-6:00.
  • Kindergartners who normally stay with us until 3:00 on Thursdays, who you would like to ride the bus home at 12:30, please be sure to notify BOTH the school and us by email AND SchoolPass.
  • Children who are NOT signed up for kindergarten time or grader time on Thursdays do not come to AASP on early release Thursdays.
Sometimes we do have special activities (Monster Mash) or field trips (Connor’s Farm) on early release Thursdays. Since these special events usually take place for the duration of the day or during the latter half of the day, these events are typically only available to those children who are enrolled in the program until 6pm.

Hopefully this answers any questions that may arise. Please contact us with any further questions or clarifications.